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Access Bars® and Regulation Thermometry Dr Lisa Cooney and Linda Adamowski

Access Bars® and Regulation Thermometry Dr Lisa Cooney and Linda Adamowski

What The Body Knows And What The Body Shows! A RESEARCH made by Dr Lisa Conney ( and Linda Adamowski ( Do you have questions and desire more information? You are most welcome to sign in to our facebook group: Access Consciousness® uses a hands-on process called Access Bars® in a 75 minute session to create change for the person and their body.Thermometry provides an accurate picture of the whole body and any toxicity blocking healthy regulation to create change. OUR RESEARCH What would we see if we put them together? Verifiable evidence to show the physiological changes that Access Consciousness® body process Access Bars® creates Access Consciousness® is on the forefront of global change, the cutting edge of consciousness. Access tools and a hands on process called Access Bars® are used by Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Physiotherapists, Family Play Therapists, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Business Coaches and Trainers and everyday people to create simple fast change. (visit Thermometry is a breakthrough in biological medicine. The results are clinically proven to identify factors that can contribute to detection of disease often years before diagnosis. Originating in Germany, it is used in Orthodox and Integrative Medicine by Medical and Naturopath Doctors and Dentists. It’s advanced technology is supported by leaders in the fields of radiology, neurobiology, biological medicine, and infrared medical technology.
Review of Access Bars® by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin

Review of Access Bars® by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin

#accessbars #neuroscience #meditation This is a review of what occurs in the brain before and after an Access Bars session. Presented by neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin with Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, creators of Access Consciousness. Filmed at the Secret Knock Conference in San Diego, California March of 2015. The Access Consciousness Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything. The Bars are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars.” The Bars store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. Access Consciousness is now available in more than 170 countries and has touched the lives of more than 1 million people in the last 30 years. . To learn more about Access Consciousness & The Bars go here: Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin has been in the field of neuroscience for over 15 years and is the creator of the Center for Cognitive Enhancement. To learn more about his work go or
What is the Access Facelift?

What is the Access Facelift?

( What is the Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift? What if it was possible to look younger without surgery or needles or chemicals? What if it's more the point of view that aging is wrong that ages us the most? What if there was another way? Welcome to the Access Facelift. The Access Facelift is an energetic hands on procedure that can reduce the signs of aging, tone & tighten and provide an overall sense of well being.. Listen to the Access Consciousness Founder, Gary Douglas & Access Consciousness Co-Creator Dr. Dain Heer as they explain a bit about the Access Facelift. For questions please email or ............................................ What is Access Consciousness? Access Consciousness offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way and change the things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. It empowers you to know that you know and provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are. Access Consciousness is available in 173 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of more than 30 thousand people around the world for the past 25 years. Delivered through seminars, teleseries, books, audios and consultations, what most people love about it is that it actually works! Discover what it is for you here: ................................................................................................................. Follow live updates from Access Consciousness on Twitter: Stay in the know on Facebook: Discover new possibilities on the Access Consciousness Blog: Follow us on Instagram Stay in the know by visiting Access Consciousness website and signing up for our special welcome series and newsletter: Listen to the #1 Radio Show on Voice America: Access Consciousness, Thursdays at 2pm Pacific:
Access Consciousness The Bars

Access Consciousness The Bars

( The first class in Access Consciousness is The Bars®. Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything! Access Consciousness offers a whole Universe of processes, classes and possibilities for change. We literally have classes or products on almost EVERY topic you could think of! Where would you like your adventure to begin? _________________________________ Want more free tools like this one to start living a more conscious life? Subscribe to our channel! We release free content weekly. Interested in Access Consciousness®? Access Consciousness offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way and change the things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. Access Consciousness is available in over 170 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world for more than 25 years. Find out more here: Follow us on social media for free resources, tips, and tools you can use to start creating the life you desire: Instagram: Facebook:
Access Consciousness - The Energetic Facelift

Access Consciousness - The Energetic Facelift

( What Is The Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift? The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate. While receiving an Access Facelift, many different energies are applied to the body and face, and there are many possibilities to discover of what can be released. A dynamic yet gentle hands on body process, facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities. You can receive a session or take a one-day class with Access Consciousness Facelift Facilitators around the world! Find out more at ............................................ What is Access Consciousness? Access Consciousness offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way and change the things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. It empowers you to know that you know and provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are. Access Consciousness is available in 173 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of more than 30 thousand people around the world for the past 25 years. Delivered through seminars, teleseries, books, audios and consultations, what most people love about it is that it actually works! Discover what it is for you here: ................................................................................................................. Follow live updates from Access Consciousness on Twitter: Stay in the know on Facebook: Discover new possibilities on the Access Consciousness Blog: Follow us on Instagram Stay in the know by visiting Access Consciousness website and signing up for our special welcome series and newsletter: Listen to the #1 Radio Show on Voice America: Access Consciousness, Thursdays at 2pm Pacific:
What is Access Bars? | Stories of Change

What is Access Bars? | Stories of Change

( ) The Access Consciousness Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything. The Bars are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars.” The Bars store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. Access Consciousness is now available in 173 countries. To learn more about Access Consciousness & The Bars go here: Go to the blog article here: ............................................ What is Access Consciousness? Access Consciousness offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way and change the things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. It empowers you to know that you know and provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are. Access Consciousness is available in 173 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of more than 30 thousand people around the world for the past 25 years. Delivered through seminars, teleseries, books, audios and consultations, what most people love about it is that it actually works! Discover what it is for you here: ................................................................................................................. Follow live updates from Access Consciousness on Twitter: Stay in the know on Facebook: Discover new possibilities on the Access Consciousness Blog: Stay in the know by visiting Access Consciousness website and signing up for our special welcome series and newsletter: Listen to the #1 Radio Show on Voice America: Access Consciousness, Thursdays at 2pm Pacific:

Vidéos sous titrées en français


En vente sur place dans les journée de formations proposées par Sidney

Ce livre est très différent de tous les livres que vous avez lus jusqu’à présent. Il est écrit pour les rêveurs de ce monde – les personnes qui savent que quelque chose de différent est possible – mais qui n’ont pas encore eu les outils pour se transformer et, par extension, pour changer véritablement le cours de leur existence ! 

Et si je vous disais que ces outils existent ? Et que les possibilités dont vous avez toujours rêvé sont réalisables ?

Ce livre vous offre un ensemble d’exercices et de processus pratiques et dynamiques qui vous permettent de savoir ce qui est vrai pour vous et qui vous êtes vraiment. Et si vous, en étant votre « Vous » véritable, pouviez tout changer – votre vie, vos relations, votre corps, votre situation financière... et pourquoi pas, le monde ?


En vente sur place dans les journée de formations proposées par Sidney

Ce livre est une invitation à être une inspiration à vivre au-delà de la médiocrité . Après cette lecture « je n’ai pas les moyens » ne sera plus votre point de vue.
L’argent devient votre ami et le compagnon bienveillant qui soutient votre choix de révéler la splendeur que vous êtes en vous donnant la possibilités de créer plus grand et plus joyeux.
Les conversations de Gary et Dain , sont un nectar de fraicheur ouvrent des chemins nouveaux d’abondance accessibles à tous.
--Meena Goll

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Outils, histoires et suggestions pragmatiques pour changer tes affaires de manière différente. 

Simone Milasas est un leader dynamique qui parcourt le globe démontrant comment la joie peut être la source des affaires. Elle est à la pointe de la création et du développement des affaires depuis plus de deux décennies. Elle perçoit la joie des possibilités et de l’avenir et elle sait que chaque choix révèle une perspective de possibilité.


Pour la boutique Access tous les produits clic sur le logo Access ou ici

puis en haut à droite "Products By Language"(Produits par langage), choisir french (français) :)

Mag. Susanna Mittermaier est psychologue clinicienne et Facilitatrice Access Consciousness. Elle crée un nouveau paradigme pour la psychologie et la thérapie, la Psycholo- gie Pragmatique, en utilisant les outils révolutionnaires d’Access Consciousness. Susanna, née à Vienne, en Autriche, a travaillé en psychiatrie en Suède pendant des années et a son propre cabinet où elle traite des clients atteints de dépression, anxiété, bipolarité, TDAH, TDA, autisme, Asperger et d’autres diagnostics mentaux, avec des résultats remar- quables. Outre la psychologie, Susanna a étudié la pédagogie, la philosophie, la linguistique et a pratiqué d’autres modali- tés. Aujourd’hui, Susanna voyage à travers le monde pour faciliter des séances et des classes de Psychologie Pragmatique et des classes Access Consciousness en plusieurs langues. « Tu es la psy la plus bizarre et la plus joyeuse que j’aie jamais rencontrée ! Mon monde a changé ! » Un client 

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